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Welcome to an Award Winning
Construction Agency

As experts with years of experience behind us, we know that our clients rely on their ability to recruit a reliable and qualified workforce. Because we specialise in construction and electrical recruitment, we are able to identify suitable candidates quickly and easily to help you to avoid any unwanted down-time.

Whether you are looking for specialists to help you with temporary recruitment or you’re keen to build a long-term relationship with experienced candidates to provide mechanical and electrical building services, we can help you.

Any employer who needs to fill temporary Construction and M&E Jobs and has struggled to find reliable labour for hire will appreciate the importance of finding qualified and experienced staff. Many agencies focus on the number of applicants rather than their quality, whereas we have been in construction recruitment for long enough to know that it’s all about getting the right people for your jobs the first time.

As a temporary labour supplier, we do all the hard work for you – we check credentials and make sure that every candidate we send you will be an asset to your business.  Some agencies focus on availability, but we are more interested in suitability for the role.


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Recruitment Specialists

At their best and at your service

Employing a team of recruitment professionals in-house we boast the ability to provide quick turnaround times, successfully filling positions to secure smooth practice across the construction landscape. Propped up by a team of experts Construction Plant Flow strives to provide a seamless service, an approach that has seen us maintain our reputation of excellence amongst clients and candidates alike.